Please help us spread the word by posting on your socials. Tag @86TheStigma on Instagram and add #86TheStigma.

Social Media Toolkit

Feel free to download and post any of the images below to your socials. You can help save a life today by raising awareness of 988 the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.

#86TheStigma #988lifeline

Sample Post Text

  • Sometimes, behind warm hospitality and your favorite meal are people in the fight of their lives – because sadly, restaurant industry workers are statistically at high risk of self-harm and overdose. That’s why we’re coming together to #86TheStigma around mental health by raising awareness for 988, the Suicide and Crisis lifeline. Trained counselors are there, just a call or text away - day or night, free and confidential – in English, Spanish, and ASL. Together let’s #86TheStigma. #988lifeline

  • In the hustle of the kitchen and rush of service, mental health struggles can often go unnoticed. That’s why we and restaurants across Georgia are coming together to raise awareness and #86TheStigma around asking for help. If you or someone you know is in crisis, you connect with a trained counselor at any time – day or night – by calling or texting 988 or chatting at English, Spanish, and ASL available. Let’s #86TheStigma. #988lifeline

  • Did you know there’s a staggeringly high percentage of suicide deaths across the food service industry? Unseen issues like job uncertainty, challenging hours, and varied benefits can take their toll. That’s why we and restaurants across Georgia support #86TheStigma to raise awareness around 988, the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. If you or someone needs help, call or text 988, or chat: Day or night, free and anonymous. English, Spanish, and ASL available. Together, we can #86TheStigma. #988lifeline

  • In the heart of every restaurant is a community of workers dedicated to giving their best. But sadly, because of the stressful demands of the job, the food service industry has some of the highest suicide rates in Georgia. Join us as we share awareness around 988, the suicide and crisis lifeline, available 24/7, free and strictly confidential. English, Spanish, and ASL available. Together, let’s #86TheStigma about mental health.   #988lifeline

  • The joy on your plate sometimes masks the pain behind the scenes. Sadly, suicide rates across the Georgia food industry are at an alarming rate. That’s why we’re teaming up with restaurants across the state to #86TheStigma around mental health. Join us as we raise critical awareness for 988, the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Call or text 988, or chat: Day or night. English, Spanish, and ASL available. Together, we can #86TheStigma.  #988lifeline

  • Between the long hours, lack of benefits and stress, restaurant life can take a toll, and many workers even struggle to find a single moment to themselves. Help us spread the word that help is out there …and only a text away. Text 988 - anytime day or night – free and confidential.  English, Spanish, and ASL available. Together, we’ll #86TheStigma around mental health. #988lifeline

  • There’s no easy way to say it, because of the high demands at work, food service workers across Georgia are at risk. That’s why we are uniting with restaurants across the state to share awareness around 988: the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Call or text: 988. Chat: 24/7, free and confidential. English, Spanish, and ASL available. Together, we can #86TheStigma around mental health. #988lifeline

  • #YouMatter. Food service workers are put to the test every day, and the high stress can take serious tolls on mental health. That’s why we proudly support #86TheStigma to raise critical awareness around 988, the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. No matter what you’re going through, the #988Lifeline is available 24/7/365 to help you. Together, let’s #86TheStigma. #988lifeline

  • 988 Fact: It’s OK to not say who you are or where you are when you call, text or chat 988. The 988 Lifeline is here for you. Join us as we amplify awareness around this critical resource, especially needed by many of our food service industry friends. Together, we can and will #86TheStigma around mental health.   #988lifeline